Notice of School Property Prescribed Burns
The ACSD maintenance team will be conducting prescribed burns periodically in Ankeny as weather conditions allow, continuing until June 1, 2025. Weather conditions and safety considerations will determine the exact date and time of the fires.
Why do we perform prescribed burns?
Central Iowa’s landscape was once dominated by tall grass prairies. These ecosystems have an abundance of plants, insects, birds, mammals, and reptiles. The native grasses and forbs (flowers) also provide seed and nectar for insects, butterflies, birds, and small mammals. In nature, fire is essential to maintain the integrity of the native prairie plant species located in our parks. Fire is a natural occurrence that helps the plant and animal communities in a park and controlled burning offers a safer way to use fire in a helpful manner. The benefits of prescribed burns include the following:
- Aid in reducing the undesirable plants from invading our native prairie areas
- Help to maintain a rich diversity of wildflowers and grasses
- Decreases the threat of wildfires by decreasing the accumulation of combustibles
- Benefits water quality by aiding in the establishment of deep-rooted natives
- Improves the natural beauty and enjoyment of our parks
Thank you for understanding.